Why Energy Clearing Is Just as Important as Brushing your Teeth


Do you have good energetic hygiene?

Honestly, when I first heard this concept from my intuitive teacher Vanessa Castro, I didn’t have a clue what she was talking about.

But after I learned this 5 minute practice of cleaning my energy, especially after a long day of treating patients, I no longer come home with headaches, fatigue, overwhelm and irritation.  

I can quickly clear my energy and not take anyone else energy home.

So what am I talking about when I say “energetic hygenie”.

We all experience energy, some of us on subtle levels and some of use feel things more intensely. 

Most likely you can think of a moment when you walked into a room where someone was arguing and felt the tense stuffy energy in the air.

You may have knowingly or unknowing taken that energy on. 

Meaning that even if we were not feeling angry/upset/sad ect. to begin with, we might start to take that feeling on as if it were our own.

Cleaning our energy is not about blaming anyone for the energy they are putting out, we most likely are unknowingly doing the same.  

It is a process of taking responsibility for our own energy and cleaning house so we don’t feel bogged down or burden from the weight.

Simply put this process is a visualization technique that helps you focus on releasing the energy that is not yours and also allows you to“call back” YOUR energy from wherever you may have left it.  Simple.

There are many ways to do this, my preferred way is to sit quietly for 5 minutes and use my visual tools to release and let go.

Other techniques include taking a shower, using sage, hopping in the ocean, crystals, ect. 

Really you can make this proces your own :)

What’s important to remember is everyone has an energetic body.

And similar to when don’t bath for a week while camping and we start to smell sour, our energy can also become stale and stinky and a repellant for the good things we want to come into our life.

I’ve linked a guided meditation at the bottom of this post if you are interested in trying this yourself.  I would love to hear how this tool works for you!

Maring Higa