You may have arrived here because
You want to support yourself in body, mind and soul in your recovery from labor and delivery.
You are feeling overwhelmed and anxious with the newness of parenthood
You are in need of nourishment and recovery so that you have more to give back to others.
You notice you don’t feel quite like yourself and feel out of balance.
You sometimes worry about doing a good job.
You feel alone and isolated and experience negative thoguhts.
You feel pain and discomfort from birth recovery and/or breast feeding.
If this is you, you may be in need of some assistance in your recovery.
Your body has gone through 9 months of pregnancy, labor, and delivery and it has all felt worth it in the end.
Your baby is here and now begins a new journey and transition. But you may not feel your best self right after birth. Your body may take some time to recover and your mind and soul may need some time to catch up.
All this newness can feel overwhelming and bring a set of new challenges espcially if we lack the support we need to rest and recover.
You might put extra pressure on yourself to be perfect in all aspects of your life, or desire to be able to recovery quickly so that you can get back to the life you had before.
If this is you, you should be supported and nourished in navigating this next phase of pregnancy.
I provide compassionate nourishing support.
I understand that it’s not easy to ask for help or expose the ways you feel inadequate. I hold space for all of your fears, worries, concerns and doubts and offer practical tools for you to use at home.
I help you to understand what you are going through is normal and provide grounding and nourishing treatments to start to build back the nourishment and blood that may be lacking.
My experience:
I struggled with post partum anxiety with my first child that was never diagnosed. I can remember feeling like a failure when I wasn’t able to shake my anxious feelings.
Because of my personal experience I am able to relate to my patients and help guide them towards tools that I found helpful through that time in my life.
Since then I have helped many women gain back their emotional and physical strength and confidence.
Lets Connect!
email me your questions!